You are what you eat, literally, every cell in your body is derived from calories you eat, therefore it makes sense to eat the most nutritious foods available. We evaluate what you are eating and optimize it for your goals.
You are what you eat, literally, every cell in your body is derived from calories you eat, therefore it makes sense to eat the most nutritious foods available. We evaluate what you are eating and optimize it for your goals.
One-third of your life is spent asleep, it’s often overlooked, but it is paramount for the success of your goals. However, quantity doesn’t correlate to quality all the time, we help develop in-depth recovery methods that let you reach your full sleep potential.
Developing muscle is the result of lifting heavy external loads, muscle microdamage, recovery, and CNS adaptations. In conjunction with our other two mentioned foundations ( food & sleep), one can develop a toned, lean, and strong physique. We believe everyone can benefit from some form of strength training, young, old, active, sedentary, civilian, military, athletic we serve all.
If you know how to position your joints for optimal movement you minimize the risk of injury, increase load capacity and better target the desired muscle group. Our job is to teach you how to move, so regardless of the situation your set up for success.
Train hard but take care of your body’s tissues. We focus on decreasing muscle tension, increasing the range of motion while reducing inflammation. Our recovery methods will have you ready for the big game or just a game of catch with your kids.
You can achieve your fitness goals. You can accomplish things you never thought possible — and we can help! ASHROCK FITNESS offers an inclusive and non-judgmental atmosphere that includes a variety of training and health options to support your specific needs. Clients can choose from one-on-one personal training, group training, weekend boot camps, athletic programming 5-30 athletes, and nutrition coaching. Satisfy your fitness fix and get your heart pumping!